
      I really liked the History of Migration workshop because, even if we did not know our new friends' language, we could understand each other without any problem and, another thing I liked was that we have done this work together, sharing our ideas and the outcome was impressive. The story we drew, was about a man who unfortunately lost his job and even the house, so he decided to take a ticket to go to a friend of his in London and looked for a job there. Things went well and he slowly managed to re-establish himself economically. This migration happens today very often especially among young people who travel abroad to find a better job.

Vlad, Bulai , RO

In March I had the opportunity to participate in a long awaited project Bridges Over Opend Minds in the Erasmus Project. The activites were interesting and attractive and I really liked it. Teamwork and motivation to get a nice thing, this has united us so we have become good friends. The tourist attractions were so surprising that I was fascinated. Croatia is a wonderful country where you meet warm , friendly and smiling people.  This experience has by far been the most exciting one so far! I had the opportunity to meet people ,new things and to make friends with those in Croatia who filled my soul of joy! This journey helped me look at what is around me from another perspective and I opened my eyes to see how world really is. Erasmus is about friendship, teamwork, emotion and the courage to go to new horizons!

Alexandra Mardare, RO

 Recently, thanks to the "Bridges Over Open Minds" project, I had the chance to visit Croatia. In my opinion, is a very beautiful country with many places to visit. I even learned some interesting facts about it. For example, Osijek is the greenest town from Croatia, which has 17 parks! Anyway, let's continue with the important things. Every Romanian student was hosted by a Croatian one. With this opportunity, I was able to see how their lives are. At least from what I've seen, they have a pretty calm and happy life, not too different from ours. The student who hosted me is Marin Babec, a very kind and polite person. He spoke very well in English, so it wasn't a problem to communicate. Also, I want to say thanks to him and to his family for hosting me. I had a very good time with them and they helped me to feel like I was part of their family.  I liked his school too. It was pretty nice, but different from ours. Why am I saying this? Because for every hour they had a different class, they had lockers, a cafeteria and a very big gym and I was thrilled to see that they had a piano at the music class. At first, I thought it was a desk, but when I started to hear the piano's sounds I was speechless! Beside this, I need to say that I liked very much the workshops. They were interesting, well made and they helped us to make new friendships, the most important thing for me. In short, my experience in Croatia was great! The students were friendly, the teachers were opened to answer any question we had and I want to thank them all for the party they made for us at the end of the project. Definitely I'm going to visit it again, this time with my family and you should visit it too!

Parlog Dragos

      In the middle of March, this year, I got the experience to fly to another country from Europe, to make new friends and to meet people with a complete different nation than me. The Erasmus+ project gave me the opportunity to see and to learn about other countries. Through it I met some people that marked my journey through life and I will always remember them for being my friends. Even though we knew each other for only one week, neither of us didn't stepped back from learning new things and meeting new people and that was the first step to a good friendship. During the week I spent in Cernik, Croatia, I got to make some activities at their school and learn that without a good teamwork you cannot finish a project that you expect to be great. Only working together you can make all the expectations become true and in a really short amount of time. I really liked the activities there and I have no complaints about them. The students were warm and welcoming and it felt like I was at my school from home. Having to make teams with the Croatian, Italian and Polish people really taught me how to handle a group work and how to collaborate with other  people that are not speaking my language. One of the activities was to picture children's rights and I really enjoyed that one, because I got to make photos (photography being one of my passions) and got to play a nurse treating a patient (wanting to become a doctor being my dream). In the end I want to say that being a part of this project helped me explore the world and its people, discovering friends and participating to activities that taught me about my rights and how to make a good team with people I didn't know.          Rotaru Daria, RO

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