"Bridges over opened minds"
Erasmus + program: "Bridges over opened minds", is a project that stands for an opening towards tolerance and the awareness of the rewarding possibilities that cultural miscegenation brings in any culture.
On a large scale, this European Erasmus+ project undertakes the difficult work of trying to cope with a large spectrum of needs of minority students, foreigner students, immigrant and disadvantaged students and their families on one hand and the local people on the other. The main objective is to bring people together, combine their needs and find solutions, accept one another and involve all parts in active participation in the society by engaging them in collaborative activities. We also aim to facilitate the inclusion of these different students and their families in the school life and in the community as well.
The project "Bridges over open minds" was attended by students, teachers and parents of students, administrative and service employees, as well as a representative of the school authorities, representatives of the Teachers' Training Center and teachers from other schools. Project activities were correlated with the core curriculum. They were carried out during compulsory classes and extracurricular activities. The content of the project was included in the school's educational and preventive program. Among others, these were education for values with particular emphasis on national identity, issues of diversity, tolerance, respect and understanding, and building a civil society. Thus, the scope of project activities was extended to all students of the school, from the first to the eighth grade. The topics implemented by all the students at school were: Children's Rights, Human Rights, World Day of Peace, World Literacy Day, World Anti-Poverty Day, International Earth Day.