Napoly , Italy
19th of May 2019

Educational inclusion is the key to everyone's educational success.
Today there is a great social complexity in the classroom. Students can have difficulties in various fields:
- physical conditions (illnesses);
- physical structure (lesions or impairments);
- personal activities (speech impediment, learning disabilities);
- social participation (difficulty in handling social roles);
- environmental factors (problem family, different culture);
- personal factors (poor self esteem, poor motivation).
Our school seeks adequate answers to all special needs: teachers don't build walls, but give value to differences of each one. School has a problem when it loses students. If the most difficult students are lost, the school is not school. The school that rejects the students in difficulty is like a hospital that rejects the sick and treats the healthy. Defining, finding and recognizing a SEN student does not mean to group different students in order to isolate or discriminate them. On the contrary it means to be aware of the difficulties and learn to respond to them adequately. SEN is not discriminating because each individual might, in the course of his/her life, find himself/herself in a situation of Special Education Needs. Students with SEN need actions tailored on their specific needs, this individuality in some cases takes the name of Individual Educational Plan, in other cases it simply gives way to a specific psycho-educational diagnosis. SEN are many and of different types. A really inclusive school should be able to identify them and generate adequate resources for each need, from the strongest to the weakest. A reference framework is necessary. The ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) is the conceptual model drawn up by the World Health Organization.