Humain Flesh stories
Humain Flash Stories
Tolerance, respect, friendship and freedom ...
That sounds serious, doesn't it?
Truth. Because these stories are about important and serious matters. These are values that it is not easy to talk about with children and young people, neither parents nor teachers. Because how between fun, doing homework, a computer game and a whole lot of other very important activities to "squeeze in" with a wise, contemporary message about what is important in life?
Here is a collection of stories that will help: parents - in everyday situations to answer inquisitive questions, teachers - conduct interesting educational activities, and for children and adolescents of different nationalities, the stories they have created will be the key to a heart full of respect and openness to other people.
Hi! I am Human Flash and I will accompany you while creating this book :)
As they write, students will be able to see the value of collaborating. Working on stories will become the starting point for a conversation about cooperation
and building understanding between people. "Bridges over opened minds" is about building bridges between people, openness and friendship while accepting everything that makes them different.
It is also a great help for parents and teachers who face a lot of questions from their pupils on a daily basis. Sometimes, thanks to a simple and sometimes funny story, difficult things become simple and understandable